What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Does it mean we have to live a missional life? Are we not busy enough with all the other things in life to have to think about mission on top of that?
What if following Jesus and living a missional life was just naturally part of our lives, as if our lives and following Jesus were synonymous.
It can be hard thinking about mission, we think its an activity that we do once a week, or once a month or once a year when we travel to a different country to badly build something. Mission is far more than that and Gods mission is far bigger than merely you and me. We are part of His story, His mission. Each one of us gets to be part of Gods bigger picture, Gods loving the world, Gods making all things new. Following Jesus is the lens in which we should view everything else. That’s not always easy – fair enough, but how can we grow to a place where we see needs and people and opportunities through the eyes of how God sees them? We will be thinking about this idea at the next Leadership Training Course session – April 24th – more to follow.
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. (Romans 12)
One Response to “Living a Missional Life”
Thank you Simon for reminding us of this reality – wonderful!