A place of worship?

How do you write a blog? Not a clue. Google might help. A blog, it appears, is “written in an informal or conversational style”, “often reflects the personality of the author”, “a personal online journal”.

OK! Should probably give up NOW, but no! Someone else thinks that you might be interested in what I think (how do I check how many hits?!?), which I have my doubts about, but only one way to find out…
I ponder lots of things in a random and inconclusive fashion, adding a bit of this to a morsel of that and occasionally something surprising strikes me and life is never quite the same again. A phrase that I hear or read may rattle around for a while until it’s ready for an airing. Want to tell you about one example, from a resource written by LICC, the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, (www.licc.org.uk) as part of their Whole Life Worship blurb. By way of a bit of background, LICC’s tagline is:

We have a dream that every Christian would go out into their bit of God’s world confident that God can work through them, confident that Jesus is good news for the people they meet, good news for the things they do, good news for the organisations they engage in.

And here’s the idea for a banner over the main door as we walk out of UJ after Ignite on a Sunday morning that reads:

“You are now entering a place of worship”

Just in case you missed that, as you leave the building for the outside world, it’s well worth a reminder that it’s out there you’ll be doing almost all of your worship for the week. Have a think about that!

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