Day 18 – The Wonders of God

Exodus 6 – 11

When I read the 10 plagues I am struck at the awesomeness and power of God. This passage is an embodiment of the fact that nothing can stand against our God!

In Exo 9:16 God talks about the fact that he has kept the Egyptians alive so they can see HIS ‘power and in order to proclaim HIS name through all the Earth’ God is all-powerful! God is the most formidable force in the whole of the universe, I realise that if God wants it to happen, it will.

Isn’t it great that this God is for us, that this God loves us! We can see that from every one of the plagues that those who are God’s people–he protects, as the area Goshen is free from the plagues.

I take such comfort from these passages knowing that God, who is all-powerful, has my back and loves me more than anyone could. I begin to realise that in my life there is nothing too big for God.

In Jeremiah 29:11, God tells us of his plan for us, to re affirm our faith. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


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