Events for January 11, 2026 – December 28 – Page 51 – Ignite Network

Leadership Training: Living a Missional Life

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Living a Missional Life What does it look like to lead a life where we engage with the lost in an intentional and consistent way? It is easy to get caught up in the rest of life and forget that we are called to live a life that reflects Jesus to all. This session will []

Ignite Weekend Away

Faith Mission Centre Durrow, Laois

We're off to stay at the Faith Mission centre in Durrow this year from a Saturday to a Monday. More info below!

Leadership Training: Building Community

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Building Community Community is important. How we work with others; how we build teams; how we gather people together is important to leading. This session will explore team work; encouraging people; dealing with tough people and interacting with different personalities. Speaker:Sam Moore Click here for more information about Leadership Training  

Dublin Bay Walk and Cycle Fundraiser

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Walk or cycle around Dublin Bay on Sunday 12th with friends to raise money for the Urban Junction Summer Programme. The Walk is 10km or the Cycle is 30km. Meeting after Ignite (about 1.15pm) for some sandwiches then back to UJ for some tea & cakes afterwards! Pick up a sponsorship card at the office or message and we'll []

Ignite Session

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

An Ignite Session is an evening of worship, prayer and reflection. There is usually a short talk sandwiched between times of worship. During the night there will be people who are happy to pray with and for you. This time we are going to have a time of Worship on a Friday night, rather than []

Leadership Training: Communication and Teaching

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Communication and Teaching As you grow the ability to teach and communicate becomes more important, this session will cover the way people learn and how to present and communicate well. This session will endeavour to help you in the leading of small and big groups; sharing ideas and communicating the bible with the context in []

Ignite: Sunday Morning

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Ignite: Sunday morning Ignite on a Sunday is a gathering of people meeting together to worship God in different ways. We sing songs that are led by a band, we pray both out loud and in silence and we hear a talk based on a passage from the bible. Our sessions are very informal and []

Big Day Out

Russborough House Blessington, Wicklow

Instead of the usual Sunday activities we're joining together with different groups that come to UJ for our annual day out. This year it's to Russborough Hse in Wicklow. Meet at UJ for the bus at 11.30am or at Russborough about 12.30pm (€2 car park charge). Bring a picnic or there's a cafe and possible []

Street Tea Party

St Anne's Square Blackrock, Co Dublin

If you live in St Anne's Sq come and join us for a street tea party! Part of 'Know Your Neighbour' weekend

Ignite: Sunday Morning

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Ignite: Sunday morning Ignite on a Sunday is a gathering of people meeting together to worship God in different ways. We sing songs that are led by a band, we pray both out loud and in silence and we hear a talk based on a passage from the bible. Our sessions are very informal and []