Events for August 17 – October 19 – Page 54 – Ignite Network

The Phillips House

The Phillips House

Join the Phillips family on Friday for food, community time, prayer and reflection. Starting at 6.30pm they are offering a welcome and space after the week’s work to eat, chat, relax and pray together, and move into Jesus’ rest. Please let Wendy know if you can make it along - either by contacting her or the office here.

Ignite in Houses

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

This Sunday we plan to do something a little bit different, so instead of meeting in Urban Junction for our normal Ignite we are meeting in houses. There are three families for you to join with – Alex and Naomi’s or Allan and Dorothy’s or Simon and Cheryl’s. All will start at about 11am – there []

Street Tea Party

St Anne's Square Blackrock, Co Dublin

Tea party for residents and friends of St Anne's Square!

Newbridge House Day Trip

We're heading to Newbridge House on Sunday 19th July. We'll be leaving UJ about 12.45pm. We're hiring a mini bus (€5pp) so there will be plenty of space - just book in with B by Sunday 12th! Bring along a picnic and hopefully suncream. There's a playground and cafe there too.    

Quantum:Rock Summer 2015

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

We're making plans for Quantum:Rock this July. We'll have 3 days at Urban Junction and around Blackrock and then we're taking a trip to the Zoo. Bring along a packed lunch each day and wear suncream!  


Clean Up

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Free this Wednesday afternoon? Come give us a hand to get the place back into order after the summer programme! We'll have tea and cakes too!!

Ignite @ The Orrs

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Ignite @ The Orrs House Ignite this Sunday will be a little different. We are meeting at the Orrs house in Shankill and will have a BBQ afterwards. Everybody is welcome and if you own a musical instrument then please do bring it along. There will be time for Worship and Prayer during the morning []

Ignite: Sunday Morning

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Today is the broadcast of the RTE service we recorded back in May. We will be gathering together in the morning to watch it as a community! It starts at 11.10am so there'll be tea/coffee from 10.45am. Pass on the word! What is Ignite? Ignite is a weekly worship service for all ages and backgrounds. []

Light Leadership Weekend

The Lucan Centre

This September we are running a Leadership Weekend for anyone who is involved in leading something missional. The theme for the weekend is 'light' - that we may focus on Jesus - the light of the world; that we may in turn be lights in our contexts and that we may learn what it means to []

Ignite: Sunday Morning

Urban Junction 42 Main Street, Blackrock, Dublin

Ignite: Sunday morning There will be no Ignite this morning as the Light Leadership Weekend is on. Ignite will be back to normal on September 13th @ 11.30am.