
How would you describe our church? What makes it different from another?   For my next 2 blogs, I thought I’d have a go at describing our community, choosing just 4 characteristics. Of course, you can add to this list in the comments, because []
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The Habit of Worry

Are you a worrier? Do you maintain a healthy list of the latest things to worry about?   Worrying started at a young age for me, particularly when my parents went out – would our babysitter put the fireguard on []
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How can I know if I’m growing in my faith?

‘How are you?’ It’s a question you may be hearing more, or perhaps less often than normal, depending on how much you’re on the phone/zoom. If you’re like me, I sometimes struggle to answer very open-ended questions – where do you []
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Where else would we go?

‘At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him. Then Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, ‘Are you also going to leave?’ Simon Peter replied, ‘Lord, to []
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Emmanuel, a Prayer

My favourite Bible verse at Christmas time is Matthew 1:23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel” (which means “God with []
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Waiting for the Second

I don’t think many of us enjoy waiting – we’ve come to expect quick responses, instant gratification. Infertility and miscarriage has been something many of our community have been affected []
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Stupid Love

Here’s a story I’ve heard on the radio a few times. It reminded me of Michael’s talk at Ignite yesterday and how we are called as Christians to practice unexplainable []
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Do you have any experience of angels? What are they? Are they here to protect us? Teach us? Should we worship them? Search for them?   I don’t know what []
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