Just Letting You Know

What do you know about Ignite’s Central Meeting? I’m guessing for some of you the answer is not a lot.   As its name implies, it has a leadership role but []
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The Prodigal God

I have been reading ‘The Prodigal God’ by Timothy Keller and would recommend it to you. It’s only 130 pages long and if you’re interested, I’ve put a copy in []
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It Wasn’t an Accident

It’s funny how each year something about the Easter story highlights itself to me. It’s great because each year I add to my knowledge of and gratefulness for the events []
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Covenant Prayer

At our prayer meeting yesterday morning, we dedicated Urban Junction to God using the Covenant prayer Michael lead us through for us as individuals on Sunday. For us, it was []
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What can I do?

I was out in the garden about 10 days ago digging up the gladioli which won’t survive the winter cold – but will we have winter cold? I usually have them out []
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You just never know

I was talking with Fiona, Anna and B about the start of Talls and Smalls. B suggested I told the story of the mothers and toddlers’ group I joined in []
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Would I?

In John 4:46-54, there is an account of Jesus healing an official’s son. It came up in a video I was watching the other day and the last verse really []
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